편집 파일: make-spawn-args.js
/* eslint camelcase: "off" */ const isWindows = require('./is-windows.js') const setPATH = require('./set-path.js') const { resolve } = require('path') const which = require('which') const npm_config_node_gyp = require.resolve('node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js') const escape = require('./escape.js') const makeSpawnArgs = options => { const { event, path, scriptShell = isWindows ? process.env.ComSpec || 'cmd' : 'sh', binPaths, env = {}, stdio, cmd, args = [], stdioString = false, } = options const spawnEnv = setPATH(path, binPaths, { // we need to at least save the PATH environment var ...process.env, ...env, npm_package_json: resolve(path, 'package.json'), npm_lifecycle_event: event, npm_lifecycle_script: cmd, npm_config_node_gyp, }) let doubleEscape = false const isCmd = /(?:^|\\)cmd(?:\.exe)?$/i.test(scriptShell) if (isCmd) { let initialCmd = '' let insideQuotes = false for (let i = 0; i < cmd.length; ++i) { const char = cmd.charAt(i) if (char === ' ' && !insideQuotes) { break } initialCmd += char if (char === '"' || char === "'") { insideQuotes = !insideQuotes } } let pathToInitial try { pathToInitial = which.sync(initialCmd, { path: spawnEnv.path, pathext: spawnEnv.pathext, }).toLowerCase() } catch (err) { pathToInitial = initialCmd.toLowerCase() } doubleEscape = pathToInitial.endsWith('.cmd') || pathToInitial.endsWith('.bat') } let script = cmd for (const arg of args) { script += isCmd ? ` ${escape.cmd(arg, doubleEscape)}` : ` ${escape.sh(arg)}` } const spawnArgs = isCmd ? ['/d', '/s', '/c', script] : ['-c', '--', script] const spawnOpts = { env: spawnEnv, stdioString, stdio, cwd: path, ...(isCmd ? { windowsVerbatimArguments: true } : {}), } return [scriptShell, spawnArgs, spawnOpts] } module.exports = makeSpawnArgs