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# sorted-union-stream Get the union of two sorted streams ``` npm install sorted-union-stream ``` [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mafintosh/sorted-union-stream.png)](http://travis-ci.org/mafintosh/sorted-union-stream) ## Usage ``` js var union = require('sorted-union-stream') var from = require('from2-array') // es.readArray converts an array into a stream var sorted1 = from.obj([1,10,24,42,43,50,55]) var sorted2 = from.obj([10,42,53,55,60]) // combine the two streams into a single sorted stream var u = union(sorted1, sorted2) u.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data) }) u.on('end', function() { console.log('no more data') }) ``` Running the above example will print ``` 1 10 24 42 43 50 53 55 60 no more data ``` ## Streaming objects If you are streaming objects sorting is based on `.key`. If this property is not present you should add a `toKey` function as the third parameter. `toKey` should return an key representation of the data that can be used to compare objects. _The keys MUST be sorted_ ``` js var sorted1 = from.obj([{foo:'a'}, {foo:'b'}, {foo:'c'}]) var sorted2 = from.obj([{foo:'b'}, {foo:'d'}]) var u = union(sorted1, sorted2, function(data) { return data.foo // the foo property is sorted }) union.on('data', function(data) { console.log(data) }); ``` Running the above will print ``` {foo:'a'} {foo:'b'} {foo:'c'} {foo:'d'} ``` ## License MIT