편집 파일: fontpack.php
<?php /** * Fontpack * * @package Icon_Picker * @version 0.1.0 * @author Dzikri Aziz <kvcrvt@gmail.com> */ final class Icon_Picker_Fontpack { /** * Icon_Picker_Fontpack singleton * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @var Icon_Picker_Fontpack */ protected static $instance; /** * Fontpack directory path * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @var string */ protected $dir; /** * Fontpack directory url path * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @var string */ protected $url; /** * Error messages * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @var array */ protected $messages = array(); /** * Icon packs * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @var array */ protected $packs = array(); /** * Get instance * * @static * @since 0.1.0 * @return Icon_Picker_Fontpack */ public static function instance() { if ( is_null( self::$instance ) ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Getter magic * * @since 0.1.0 * @param string $name Property name. * @return mixed NULL if attribute doesn't exist. */ public function __get( $name ) { if ( isset( $this->$name ) ) { return $this->$name; } return null; } /** * Setter magic * * @since 0.1.0 * @return bool */ public function __isset( $name ) { return isset( $this->$name ); } /** * Constructor * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @return Icon_Picker_Fontpack */ protected function __construct() { /** * Allow different system path for fontpacks * * @since 0.1.0 * @param string $dir Directory path, defaults to /wp-content/fontpacks. */ $this->dir = apply_filters( 'icon_picker_fontpacks_dir_path', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/fontpacks' ); if ( ! is_readable( $this->dir ) ) { return; } /** * Allow different URL path for fontpacks * * @since 0.4.0 * @param string $url URL path, defaults to /wp-content/fontpacks */ $this->url = apply_filters( 'icon_picker_fontpacks_dir_url', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/fontpacks' ); $this->messages = array( 'no_config' => __( 'Icon Picker: %1$s was not found in %2$s.', 'icon-picker' ), 'config_error' => __( 'Icon Picker: %s contains an error or more.', 'icon-picker' ), 'invalid' => __( 'Icon Picker: %1$s is not set or invalid in %2$s.', 'icon-picker' ), 'duplicate' => __( 'Icon Picker: %1$s is already registered. Please check your font pack config file: %2$s.', 'icon-picker' ), ); $this->collect_packs(); $this->register_packs(); } /** * Collect icon packs * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @return void */ protected function collect_packs() { $iterator = new DirectoryIterator( $this->dir ); foreach ( $iterator as $pack_dir ) { if ( $pack_dir->isDot() || ! $pack_dir->isDir() || ! $pack_dir->isReadable() ) { continue; } $pack_dirname = $pack_dir->getFilename(); $pack_data = $this->get_pack_data( $pack_dir ); if ( ! empty( $pack_data ) ) { $this->packs[ $pack_dirname ] = $pack_data; } } } /** * Register icon packs * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @return void */ protected function register_packs() { if ( empty( $this->packs ) ) { return; } $icon_picker = Icon_Picker::instance(); require_once "{$icon_picker->dir}/includes/types/fontello.php"; foreach ( $this->packs as $pack_data ) { $icon_picker->registry->add( new Icon_Picker_Type_Fontello( $pack_data ) ); } } /** * Get icon pack data * * @since 0.1.0 * @access protected * @param DirectoryIterator $pack_dir Icon pack directory object. * @return array Icon pack data array or FALSE. */ protected function get_pack_data( DirectoryIterator $pack_dir ) { $pack_dirname = $pack_dir->getFilename(); $pack_path = $pack_dir->getPathname(); $cache_id = "icon_picker_fontpack_{$pack_dirname}"; $cache_data = get_transient( $cache_id ); $config_file = "{$pack_path}/config.json"; if ( false !== $cache_data && $cache_data['version'] === $pack_dir->getMTime() ) { return $cache_data; } // Make sure the config file exists and is readable. if ( ! is_readable( $config_file ) ) { trigger_error( sprintf( esc_html( $this->messages['no_config'] ), '<code>config.json</code>', sprintf( '<code>%s</code>', esc_html( $pack_path ) ) ) ); return false; } $config = json_decode( file_get_contents( $config_file ), true ); $errors = json_last_error(); if ( ! empty( $errors ) ) { trigger_error( sprintf( esc_html( $this->messages['config_error'] ), sprintf( '<code>%s/config.json</code>', esc_html( $pack_path ) ) ) ); return false; } $keys = array( 'name', 'glyphs', 'css_prefix_text' ); $items = array(); // Check each required config. foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( empty( $config[ $key ] ) ) { trigger_error( sprintf( esc_html( $this->messages['invalid'] ), sprintf( '<code><em>%s</em></code>', esc_html( $key ) ), esc_html( $config_file ) ) ); return false; } } // Bail if no glyphs found. if ( ! is_array( $config['glyphs'] ) || empty( $config['glyphs'] ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $config['glyphs'] as $glyph ) { if ( ! empty( $glyph['css'] ) ) { $items[] = array( 'id' => $config['css_prefix_text'] . $glyph['css'], 'name' => $glyph['css'], ); } } if ( empty( $items ) ) { return false; } $pack_data = array( 'id' => "pack-{$config['name']}", 'name' => sprintf( __( 'Pack: %s', 'icon-picker' ), $config['name'] ), 'version' => $pack_dir->getMTime(), 'items' => $items, 'stylesheet_uri' => "{$this->url}/{$pack_dirname}/css/{$config['name']}.css", 'dir' => "{$this->dir}/{$pack_dirname}", 'url' => "{$this->url}/{$pack_dirname}", ); set_transient( $cache_id, $pack_data, DAY_IN_SECONDS ); return $pack_data; } }