편집 파일: advanced.js
/* * advanced ads functions to be used directly within ad codes */ /** * Polyfills */ (function () { if ( typeof window.CustomEvent !== "function" ) { /** * CustomEvent polyfill for IE11: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CustomEvent/CustomEvent * * @param {string} event Event name. * @param {object} params Event parameters. * @returne {object} Custom event. */ function CustomEvent ( event, params ) { params = params || { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: null }; var evt = document.createEvent( 'CustomEvent' ); evt.initCustomEvent( event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail ); return evt; } window.CustomEvent = CustomEvent; } /** * ReplaceWith polyfill for IE11: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ChildNode/replaceWith */ function ReplaceWithPolyfill() { 'use-strict'; // For safari, and IE > 10 var parent = this.parentNode, i = arguments.length, currentNode; if ( ! parent) { return; } if ( ! i ) {// if there are no arguments parent.removeChild( this ); } while ( i-- ) { // i-- decrements i and returns the value of i before the decrement currentNode = arguments[i]; if ( typeof currentNode !== 'object' ) { currentNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode( currentNode ); } else if ( currentNode.parentNode ) { currentNode.parentNode.removeChild( currentNode ); } // the value of "i" below is after the decrement if ( ! i ) { // if currentNode is the first argument (currentNode === arguments[0]) parent.replaceChild( currentNode, this ); } else { // if currentNode isn't the first parent.insertBefore( currentNode, this.nextSibling ); } } } if ( ! Element.prototype.replaceWith ) { Element.prototype.replaceWith = ReplaceWithPolyfill; } if ( ! CharacterData.prototype.replaceWith ) { CharacterData.prototype.replaceWith = ReplaceWithPolyfill; } if ( ! DocumentType.prototype.replaceWith ) { DocumentType.prototype.replaceWith = ReplaceWithPolyfill; } /** * Polyfill for NodeList.foreach() because we need to support IE11: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NodeList/forEach */ if ( window.NodeList && ! NodeList.prototype.forEach ) { NodeList.prototype.forEach = function( callback, thisArg ) { var i; var len = this.length; thisArg = thisArg || window; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { callback.call( thisArg, this[ i ], i, this ); } }; } })(); advads = { /** * check if localstorage is supported/enabled by client */ supports_localstorage: function () { "use strict"; try { if ( ! window || window.localStorage === undefined ) { return false; } // storage might be full or disabled window.localStorage.setItem( "x", "x" ); window.localStorage.removeItem( "x" ); return true; } catch ( e ) { return false; } }, /** * check if the ad is displayed more than {max} times per session * every check increases the counter * * @param {string} name (no id needed, just any id-formated string) * @param {type} max number of maximum times the ad can be displayed within the period * @returns {bool} true if limit is reached */ max_per_session: function ( name, max ) { var num = 1; if ( max === undefined || parseInt( max ) === 0 ) { max = 1; } // check if cookie exists and get the value if ( this.cookie_exists( name ) ) { if ( this.get_cookie( name ) >= max ) { return true; } num = num + parseInt( this.get_cookie( name ) ); } this.set_cookie( name, num ); return false; }, /** * increase a cookie with an integer value by 1 * * @param {str} name of the cookie * @param {int} exdays days until cookie expires */ count_up: function ( name, exdays ) { var num = 1; // check if cookie exists and get the value if ( this.cookie_exists( name ) ) { num = num + parseInt( this.get_cookie( name ) ); } this.set_cookie( name, num ); }, /** * return true, if cookie exists * return false, if not * if not exists, create it * use case: to check if something already happened in this page impression * * @param {type} name * @returns {unresolved} */ set_cookie_exists: function ( name ) { if ( get_cookie( name ) ) { return true; } set_cookie( name, '', 0 ); return false; }, /** * get a cookie value * * @param {string} name of the cookie * @return {string} decoded cookie value */ get_cookie: function ( name ) { var i, x, y, ADVcookies = document.cookie.split( ';' ); for ( i = 0; i < ADVcookies.length; i ++ ) { x = ADVcookies[i].substr( 0, ADVcookies[i].indexOf( '=' ) ); y = ADVcookies[i].substr( ADVcookies[i].indexOf( '=' ) + 1 ); x = x.replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, '' ); if ( x === name ) { return decodeURIComponent( y ); } } }, /** * set a cookie value * * @param {str} name of the cookie * @param {str} value of the cookie * @param {int} exdays days until cookie expires * set 0 to expire cookie immidiatelly * set null to expire cookie in the current session */ set_cookie: function ( name, value, exdays, path, domain, secure ) { // days in seconds var expiry = ( exdays == null ) ? null : exdays * 24 * 60 * 60; this.set_cookie_sec( name, value, expiry, path, domain, secure ); }, /** * set a cookie with expiry given in seconds * * @param {str} name of the cookie * @param {str} value of the cookie * @param {int} expiry seconds until cookie expires * set 0 to expire cookie immidiatelly * set null to expire cookie in the current session */ set_cookie_sec: function ( name, value, expiry, path, domain, secure ) { var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setSeconds( exdate.getSeconds() + parseInt( expiry ) ); document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value ) + ( ( expiry == null ) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString() ) + ( ( path == null ) ? "; path=/" : "; path=" + path ) + ( ( domain == null ) ? "" : "; domain=" + domain ) + ( ( secure == null ) ? "" : "; secure" ); }, /** * check if a cookie is set and contains a value * * @param {str} name of the cookie * @returns {bool} true, if cookie is set */ cookie_exists: function ( name ) { var c_value = this.get_cookie( name ); if ( c_value !== null && c_value !== "" && c_value !== undefined ) { return true; } return false; }, /** * move one element into another * * @param {str} element selector of the element that should be moved * @param {str} target selector of the element where to move * @param {arr} options */ move: function ( element, target, options ) { var el = jQuery( element ); var target_string = target; if ( typeof options === 'undefined' ) { options = {}; } if ( typeof options.css === 'undefined' ) { options.css = {}; } if ( typeof options.method === 'undefined' ) { options.method = 'prependTo'; } // search for abstract target element if ( target === '' && typeof options.target !== 'undefined' ) { switch ( options.target ) { case 'wrapper' : // wrapper var offset = 'left'; if ( typeof options.offset !== 'undefined' ) { offset = options.offset; } target = this.find_wrapper( element, offset ); break; } } // use only visible elements if ( typeof options.moveintohidden === 'undefined' ) { target = jQuery( target ).filter( ':visible' ); } else { target = jQuery( target ); } // print warning in console if the element appears multiple times if ( target.length > 1 ) { console.log( "Advanced Ads: element '" + target_string + "' found " + target.length + " times." ); } // switch insert method switch ( options.method ) { case 'insertBefore' : el.insertBefore( target ); break; case 'insertAfter' : el.insertAfter( target ); break; case 'appendTo' : el.appendTo( target ); break; case 'prependTo' : el.prependTo( target ); break; default : el.prependTo( target ); } }, /** * Set 'relative' position for a parent element. * * @param {str} element selector */ set_parent_relative: function ( element, options ) { var options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {}; var el = jQuery( element ); // give "position" style to parent element, if missing var parent = el.parent(); if ( options.use_grandparent ) { parent = parent.parent(); } if ( parent.css( 'position' ) === 'static' || parent.css( 'position' ) === '' ) { parent.css( 'position', 'relative' ); } }, /** * make an absolute position element fixed at the current position * hint: use only after DOM is fully loaded in order to fix a wrong position * * @param {str} element selector * @param {obj} options */ fix_element: function ( element, options ) { var options = typeof options !== 'undefined' ? options : {}; var el = jQuery( element ); if ( options.use_grandparent ) { this.set_parent_relative( el.parent() ); } else { this.set_parent_relative( el ); } // fix element at current position // get position for hidden elements by showing them for a very short time if ( options.is_invisible ) { el.show(); } var topoffset = parseInt( el.offset().top ); var leftoffset = parseInt( el.offset().left ); if ( options.is_invisible ) { el.hide(); } if ( 'left' === options.offset ) { // Allow to scale the nested image down when it has `max-width: 100%` and touches the left edge of the viewport. var rightoffset = jQuery( window ).width() - leftoffset - el.outerWidth(); el.css( 'position', 'fixed' ).css( 'top', topoffset + 'px' ).css( 'right', rightoffset + 'px' ).css( 'left', '' ); } else { // reset "right" to prevent conflicts el.css( 'position', 'fixed' ).css( 'top', topoffset + 'px' ).css( 'left', leftoffset + 'px' ).css( 'right', '' ); } }, /** * find the main wrapper * either id or first of its class * * @param {str} element selector * @param {str} offset which position of the offset to check (left or right) * @return {str} selector */ find_wrapper: function ( element, offset ) { // first margin: auto element after body var returnValue; jQuery( 'body' ).children().each( function ( key, value ) { // exclude current element // TODO exclude <script> if ( value.id !== element.substring( 1 ) ) { // check offset value var checkedelement = jQuery( value ); // check if there is space left or right of the element if ( ( offset === 'right' && ( checkedelement.offset().left + jQuery( checkedelement ).width() < jQuery( window ).width() ) ) || ( offset === 'left' && checkedelement.offset().left > 0 ) ) { // fix element if ( checkedelement.css( 'position' ) === 'static' || checkedelement.css( 'position' ) === '' ) { checkedelement.css( 'position', 'relative' ); } // set return value returnValue = value; return false; } } } ); return returnValue; }, /** * center fixed element on the screen * * @param {str} element selector */ center_fixed_element: function ( element ) { var el = jQuery( element ); // half window width minus half element width var left = ( jQuery( window ).width() / 2 ) - ( parseInt( el.css( 'width' ) ) / 2 ); el.css( 'left', left + 'px' ); }, /** * center element vertically on the screen * * @param {str} element selector */ center_vertically: function ( element ) { var el = jQuery( element ); // half window height minus half element height var left = ( jQuery( window ).height() / 2 ) - ( parseInt( el.css( 'height' ) ) / 2 ); // Center correctly when the ad is attached to the element that begins lower. if ( el.css( 'position' ) !== 'fixed' ) { left -= topoffset = parseInt( el.offset().top ); } el.css( 'top', left + 'px' ); }, /** * close an ad and add a cookie * * @param {str} element selector */ close: function ( element ) { var wrapper = jQuery( element ); // remove the ad wrapper.remove(); }, /** * Wait until images are ready. * * @param {obj} $el jQuery object. * @param {function} ready_callback Ready callback. * derrived from https://github.com/alexanderdickson/waitForImages/blob/master/dist/jquery.waitforimages.js */ wait_for_images: function ( $el, ready_callback ) { var loaded_count = 0; var srcs = []; $el.find( 'img[src][src!=""]' ).each( function () { srcs.push( this.src ); } ); if ( srcs.length === 0 ) { ready_callback.call( $el ); } jQuery.each( srcs, function ( i, src ) { var image = new Image(); image.src = src; var events = 'load error'; jQuery( image ).one( events, function me( event ) { // Remove remaining handler (either 'load' or 'error'). jQuery( this ).off( events, me ); loaded_count ++; if ( loaded_count == srcs.length ) { ready_callback.call( $el[0] ); return false; } } ); } ); }, privacy: { state: 'unknown', state_executed: false, /** * Get consent state. * IIFE so the events fire only once per event. * * @return string * 'not_needed' - consent is not needed. * 'accepted' - consent was given. * 'unknown' - consent was not given yet. */ get_state: ( function () { return function () { // if we already have a state, return that. if ( window.advads_options.privacy.state !== 'unknown' ) { // make sure this only gets executed once. if ( ! advads.privacy.state_executed ) { advads.privacy.state_executed = true; advads.privacy.dispatch_event( window.advads_options.privacy.state, false ); } return advads.privacy.state; } // If using the cookie method, fire an initial event, regardless if cookie set or not. if ( window.advads_options.privacy['consent-method'] === 'custom' ) { var cookie_regex = new RegExp( '.*?' + window.advads_options.privacy['custom-cookie-value'] + '[^;]*?' ); let cookie = advads.get_cookie( window.advads_options.privacy['custom-cookie-name'] ) || ''; // Force the event, if we haven't yet fired one. if ( ! advads.privacy.state_executed ) { advads.privacy.state_executed = true; advads.privacy.dispatch_event( cookie.match( cookie_regex ) ? 'accepted' : 'unknown', true ); } } // make sure this only gets executed once. advads.privacy.state_executed = true; // Run this in an interval (every 0.1s) just in case we are still waiting for consent var cnt = 0, consentSetInterval = setInterval( function () { // Bail if we have not gotten a consent response after 60 seconds. if ( ++ cnt === 600 ) { clearInterval( consentSetInterval ); } switch ( window.advads_options.privacy['consent-method'] ) { case 'custom' : let cookie = advads.get_cookie( window.advads_options.privacy['custom-cookie-name'] ) || ''; // check if custom cookie is set and matches value. if ( cookie.match( cookie_regex ) ) { clearInterval( consentSetInterval ); if ( advads.privacy.state !== 'accepted' ) { advads.privacy.dispatch_event( 'accepted', true ); } } break; case 'iab_tcf_20' : // Check if window.__tcfapi has been set. if ( typeof window.__tcfapi === 'undefined' ) { return; } clearInterval( consentSetInterval ); window.__tcfapi( 'addEventListener', 2, function ( TCData, listenerSuccess ) { if ( ! listenerSuccess ) { return; } if ( TCData.eventStatus === 'tcloaded' || TCData.eventStatus === 'useractioncomplete' // if this is google funding choices, eventStatus is not set. Check if either gdpr doesn't apply or if there is a purpose object. || ( TCData.eventStatus === null && typeof window.googlefc !== 'undefined' && ( typeof TCData.purpose !== 'undefined' || ! TCData.gdprApplies ) ) ) { var userAction = TCData.eventStatus === 'useractioncomplete'; if ( ! TCData.gdprApplies ) { if ( advads.privacy.state !== 'not_needed' ) { advads.privacy.dispatch_event( 'not_needed', userAction ); } return; } if ( TCData.purpose.consents[1] ) { if ( advads.privacy.state !== 'accepted' ) { advads.privacy.dispatch_event( 'accepted', userAction ); } return; } // fire another event, in case the user revokes the previous consent. if ( advads.privacy.state !== 'rejected' ) { advads.privacy.dispatch_event( 'rejected', userAction ); } } } ); break; } }, 100 ); return advads.privacy.state; } } )(), /** * Check if the privacy_method is custom cookie, and non personalized ads are allowed. * * @returns {boolean} */ is_adsense_npa_enabled: function () { if ( ! window.advads_options || ! window.advads_options.privacy ) { return true; } return !! ( window.advads_options.privacy['show-non-personalized-adsense'] && window.advads_options.privacy['consent-method'] === 'custom' ); }, /** * Dispatch a custom event whenever the state changes. * * @param {String} state The current privacy state. * @param {boolean} userAction This is result of action by user. */ dispatch_event: function ( state, userAction ) { var previousState = advads.privacy.state, fire_event = function () { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'advanced_ads_privacy', { detail: { state: state, previousState: previousState, userAction: userAction } } ) ); }; advads.privacy.state = state; console.log( { state: state, previousState: previousState, userAction: userAction } ); window.advanced_ads_ready_queue.push( fire_event ); }, /** * Check if ad is decoded. * * @param {integer} id * * @returns {boolean} */ is_ad_decoded: function ( id ) { return document.querySelector( 'script[data-tcf="waiting-for-consent"][data-id="' + id + '"]' ) === null; }, /** * Decode ad content. * * @param {Element} el * @param {boolean} [inject=true] */ decode_ad: function ( el, inject ) { // this can also be a number if used in a foreach. inject = typeof inject === 'boolean' ? inject : true; var string = decodeURIComponent( Array.prototype.map.call( atob( el.textContent ), function ( c ) { return '%' + ( '00' + c.charCodeAt( 0 ).toString( 16 ) ).slice( - 2 ); } ).join( '' ) ); if ( ! inject ) { return string; } el.replaceWith( document.createRange().createContextualFragment( string ) ); } } }; window.advanced_ads_ready_queue.push( advads.privacy.get_state ); document.addEventListener( 'advanced_ads_privacy', function ( event ) { if ( ( event.detail.state !== 'accepted' && event.detail.state !== 'not_needed' ) || event.detail.userAction || document.readyState === 'loading' ) { return; } // Find all scripts waiting for consent and decode them. document.querySelectorAll( 'script[type="text/plain"][data-tcf="waiting-for-consent"]' ).forEach( advads.privacy.decode_ad ); } );