편집 파일: class-adsense-report.php
<?php /** * Class Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report * * Displays AdSense earnings on the ad overview page or the ad edit page. */ class Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report { /** * Domain name or ad unit to filter data with before display. * * @var string */ private $filter; /** * Report type. 'unit' or 'domain'. * * @var string */ private $type; /** * Object representing the current report data. * * @var Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report_Data */ private $data_object; /** * Error from the last attempt to call Google. * * @var string */ private $last_api_error_message; /** * Instance constructor. * * @param string $type report type. * @param string $filter report filter. */ public function __construct( $type = 'unit', $filter = '' ) { $this->type = $type; if ( $type === 'domain' && ! empty( $filter ) ) { update_option( 'advanced-ads-adsense-dashboard-filter', $filter ); // Backward compatibility: "*" was used to display data for all domains if API version prior to 2.0 if ( $filter === '*' ) { $filter = ''; } } $this->filter = $filter; $this->data_object = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report_Data::get_data_from_options( $type ); } /** * Tries to get fresh data from Google. * * @return bool true if we got fresh data. */ public function refresh_report() { $api_helper = new Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report_Api( $this->type ); $error = []; if ( $api_helper->has_token() ) { $response = $api_helper->call_google(); if ( $response['status'] === true ) { $this->data_object->update_data_from_response( $response['response_body'] ); return true; } if ( isset( $response['msg'] ) ) { $this->last_api_error_message = $response['msg']; return false; } } if ( $api_helper->has_token_error() ) { $error = $api_helper->get_token_error(); } if ( isset( $error['msg'] ) ) { $this->last_api_error_message = $error['msg']; return false; } if ( isset( $error['raw'] ) ) { $this->last_api_error_message = $error['raw']; return false; } if ( empty( $this->last_api_error_message ) ) { $this->last_api_error_message = __( 'No valid tokens', 'advanced-ads' ); } return false; } /** * Retrieve the error message from the last API call. * * @return string Error message from the last API call. */ public function get_last_api_error() { if ( empty( $this->last_api_error_message ) ) { return ''; } return $this->last_api_error_message; } /** * Returns the report data object. * * @return Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report_Data */ public function get_data() { return $this->data_object; } /** * Build an return the HTML markup for display. * * @return string the final markup. */ public function get_markup() { if ( ! $this->get_data()->is_valid() ) { return '<p style="text-align:center;"><span class="report-need-refresh spinner advads-ad-parameters-spinner advads-spinner"></span></p>'; } ob_start(); $report_filter = $this->filter; $report_domains = $this->data_object->get_domains(); $sums = $this->data_object->get_sums( $this->filter ); $earning_cells = ''; foreach ( $sums as $index => $sum ) { $earning_cells .= $this->get_earning_cell( $sum, $index ); } require_once GADSENSE_BASE_PATH . '/admin/views/adsense-report.php'; return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Build and return the HTML markup for a given period. * * @param float $sum the earning for that period. * @param string $index the period identifier. * * @return string HTML of the individual cell. */ private function get_earning_cell( $sum, $index ) { $period_strings = [ 'today' => esc_html__( 'Today', 'advanced-ads' ), 'yesterday' => esc_html__( 'Yesterday', 'advanced-ads' ), /* translators: 1: The number of days. */ '7days' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Last %1$d days', 'advanced-ads' ), 7 ), 'this_month' => esc_html__( 'This Month', 'advanced-ads' ), /* translators: 1: The number of days. */ '28days' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Last %1$d days', 'advanced-ads' ), 28 ), ]; $markup = '<div class="advads-flex1 advads-stats-box"><div>' . $period_strings[ $index ] . '</div>'; $markup .= '<div class="advads-stats-box-main">'; $markup .= number_format_i18n( ceil( 100 * $sum ) / 100, 2 ); $markup .= ' ' . $this->get_data()->get_currency(); $markup .= '</div></div>'; return $markup; } }