편집 파일: adsense-report-data.php
<?php /** * Handle all report data received from Google */ class Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report_Data implements Serializable { /** * Cached data life span. * * @var integer */ const CACHE_DURATION = 3600; /** * DB option name for report by domain. * * @var string */ const DOMAIN_OPTION = 'advanced_ads_adsense_report_domain'; /** * DB option name for report by ad unit. * * @var string */ const UNIT_OPTION = 'advanced_ads_adsense_report_unit'; /** * Daily earnings. * * @var null|array */ private $earnings; /** * Report type. 'unit' or 'domain'. * * @var string */ private $type; /** * UNIX timestamp at which the data was obtained from Google. * * @var int */ private $timestamp = 0; /** * Currency used in the report. * * @var string */ private $currency = ''; /** * Version of Google AdSense Management API used. * * @var string */ private $version = ''; /** * List of domain names found in the report data. * * @var array */ private $domains = []; /** * Instance constructor. * * @param string $type report type. */ public function __construct( $type = 'unit' ) { $this->type = $type; } /** * Get all domains. * * @return array the domain list. */ public function get_domains() { return $this->domains; } /** * Get the report timestamp. * * @return int data timestamp. */ public function get_timestamp() { return $this->timestamp; } /** * Get the currency used in the report. * * @return string the currency code. */ public function get_currency() { return $this->currency; } /** * Serialize an instance of this class into a string. For PHP version >= 7.4 * * @return array */ public function __serialize() { return [ 'earnings' => $this->earnings, 'type' => $this->type, 'timestamp' => $this->timestamp, 'currency' => $this->currency, 'domains' => $this->domains, ]; } /** * Recreate an instance of this class from a string. For PHP version >= 7.4 * * @param array $data the array from __serialize. * * @return void */ public function __unserialize( $data ) { $this->earnings = $data['earnings'] ?? null; $this->type = $data['type'] ?? null; $this->timestamp = $data['timestamp'] ?? 0; $this->currency = $data['currency'] ?? ''; $this->domains = $data['domains'] ?? []; } /** * Returns serialized object properties. For PHP version < 7.4 * * @return string the serialized data. */ public function serialize() { return serialize( [ 'earnings' => $this->earnings, 'type' => $this->type, 'timestamp' => $this->timestamp, 'currency' => $this->currency, 'domains' => $this->domains, ] ); } /** * Set object properties from serialized data string. For PHP version < 7.4 * * @param string $data serilaized data from DB. */ public function unserialize( $data ) { try { $unwrapped = unserialize( $data ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $unwrapped = []; } $this->__unserialize( $unwrapped ); } /** * Update object properties and DB record from a API response. * * @param array $response API call response from Google. */ public function update_data_from_response( $response ) { $headers = []; $this->version = $response['api_version']; $this->timestamp = $response['timestamp']; foreach ( $response['headers'] as $header ) { if ( $header['type'] === 'METRIC_CURRENCY' ) { $this->currency = $header['currencyCode']; } $headers[] = $header['name']; } $earnings = []; if ( ! empty( $response['rows'] ) ) { foreach ( $response['rows'] as $row ) { $earning = new StdClass(); foreach ( $row['cells'] as $index => $cell ) { switch ( $headers[ $index ] ) { case 'DATE': $earning->date = new DateTimeImmutable( $cell['value'] ); break; case 'ESTIMATED_EARNINGS': $earning->estimated_earning = (float) $cell['value']; break; default: // "DOMAIN_NAME" or "AD_UNIT_ID". $earning->{strtolower( $headers[ $index ] )} = $cell['value']; if ( $headers[ $index ] === 'DOMAIN_NAME' && ! in_array( $cell['value'], $this->domains, true ) ) { $this->domains[] = $cell['value']; } } } $earnings[] = $earning; } } $this->earnings = $earnings; $option_name = $this->type === 'unit' ? self::UNIT_OPTION : self::DOMAIN_OPTION; // Delete old options entries. delete_option( 'advanced_ads_adsense_report_DATE_AD_UNIT_CODE_EARNINGS_dashboard' ); delete_option( 'advanced_ads_adsense_report_DATE_DOMAIN_NAME_EARNINGS_dashboard' ); // Save the data instance in DB. update_option( $option_name, $this ); } /** * Returns a data object constructed from saved data. Constructs a new one if there is no usable data. * * @param string $type report type. * * @return Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report_Data */ public static function get_data_from_options( $type ) { $option_name = $type === 'unit' ? self::UNIT_OPTION : self::DOMAIN_OPTION; $option = get_option( $option_name, false ); if ( $option === false ) { return new self( $type ); } // PHP version < 7.4. if ( $option instanceof self ) { return $option; } try { $unserialized = unserialize( $option ); if ( $unserialized instanceof self ) { return $unserialized; } return new self( $type ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { return new self( $type ); } } /** * Checks if cached data need to be updated. * * @return bool true if the stored data has not expired yet. */ public function is_valid() { return $this->timestamp + self::CACHE_DURATION > time(); } /** * Get the earnings sums for display. * * @param string $filter filter sums by a given domain name or ad unit. * * @return int[] */ public function get_sums( $filter = '' ) { $today = new DateTimeImmutable(); $yesterday = $today->sub( date_interval_create_from_date_string( '1 day' ) ); $prev7 = $today->sub( date_interval_create_from_date_string( '7 days' ) ); $prev28 = $today->sub( date_interval_create_from_date_string( '28 days' ) ); $sums = [ 'today' => 0, 'yesterday' => 0, '7days' => 0, 'this_month' => 0, '28days' => 0, ]; // Unit type reports should always have the ad unit id specified. if ( $filter === '' && $this->type === 'unit' ) { return $sums; } foreach ( $this->earnings as $value ) { if ( ( $this->type === 'unit' && false === strpos( $value->ad_unit_id, $filter ) ) || ( ! empty( $filter ) && $this->type === 'domain' && $filter !== $value->domain_name ) ) { continue; } if ( $this->date_ymd( $value->date ) === $this->date_ymd( $today ) ) { $sums['today'] += $value->estimated_earning; } if ( $this->date_ymd( $value->date ) === $this->date_ymd( $yesterday ) ) { $sums['yesterday'] += $value->estimated_earning; } if ( $this->date_ymd( $value->date ) >= $this->date_ymd( $prev7 ) ) { $sums['7days'] += $value->estimated_earning; } if ( $this->date_ymd( $value->date ) >= $this->date_ymd( $prev28 ) ) { $sums['28days'] += $value->estimated_earning; } if ( $value->date->format( 'm' ) === $today->format( 'm' ) ) { $sums['this_month'] += $value->estimated_earning; } } return $sums; } /** * Get an integer representation of a DateTime object to be used in date comparison. * * @param DateTimeInterface $date the date object. * * @return int */ private function date_ymd( $date ) { if ( $date instanceof DateTimeInterface ) { return (int) $date->format( 'Ymd' ); } return 0; } }