편집 파일: adsense-report-api.php
<?php /** * Retrieve report data from Google. */ class Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Report_Api { /** * Version of the AdSense Management API in use (for getting fresh data). * * @var string */ const API_VERSION = '2.0'; /** * Report API endpoint. * * @var string */ private $endpoint_url; /** * Report type * * @var string */ private $type; /** * The API access token or an error array. * * @var array|string */ private $access_token; /** * The current connected AdSense account. * * @var string */ private $publisher_id; /** * Instance constructor. * * @param string $type report type. */ public function __construct( $type ) { $publisher_id = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_Data::get_instance()->get_adsense_id(); $this->type = $type; $this->access_token = Advanced_Ads_AdSense_MAPI::get_access_token( $publisher_id ); $this->publisher_id = $publisher_id; $endpoint_args = [ 'startDate.year' => '%SY%', // Start date's year - integer (4 digits). 'startDate.month' => '%SM%', // Start date's month - integer. 'startDate.day' => '%SD%', // Start date's integer - integer. 'endDate.year' => '%EY%', // End date's year - integer (4 digits). 'endDate.month' => '%EM%', // End date's month - integer. 'endDate.day' => '%ED%', // End date's integer - integer. 'dimension1' => '%DIM%', // Primary reporting dimension (domain name or ad unit name). 'dimension2' => 'DATE', // Secondary reporting dimension. 'metrics' => 'ESTIMATED_EARNINGS', // Report metrics. 'reportingTimeZone' => 'ACCOUNT_TIME_ZONE', // Time zone used in report data. ]; $this->endpoint_url = str_replace( [ 'dimension1', 'dimension2' ], 'dimensions', add_query_arg( $endpoint_args, 'https://adsense.googleapis.com/v2/accounts/%pubid%/reports:generate' ) ); } /** * Checks if the current setup has an access token. * * @return bool true if there is a token. */ public function has_token() { return is_string( $this->access_token ); } /** * Get access token related error message. * * @return array Array of error messages. */ public function get_token_error() { return is_string( $this->access_token ) ? [] : $this->access_token; } /** * Check if there is an error related to access tokens. * * @return bool true if any error happened when requesting an access token. */ public function has_token_error() { return ! is_string( $this->access_token ); } /** * Perform the actual call to Google for fresh data. * * @return array associative array with the response or with error data in case of failure. */ public function call_google() { $dimension = $this->type === 'unit' ? 'AD_UNIT_ID' : 'DOMAIN_NAME'; $today = new DateTimeImmutable(); $start_date = $today->sub( date_interval_create_from_date_string( '28 days' ) ); // Replace placeholder in the endpoint with actual arguments. $url = str_replace( [ '%pubid%', '%DIM%', '%SY%', '%SM%', '%SD%', '%EY%', '%EM%', '%ED%', ], [ $this->publisher_id, $dimension, $start_date->format( 'Y' ), $start_date->format( 'n' ), $start_date->format( 'j' ), $today->format( 'Y' ), $today->format( 'n' ), $today->format( 'j' ), ], $this->endpoint_url ); $headers = [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->access_token, ]; $response = wp_remote_get( $url, [ 'headers' => $headers ] ); Advanced_Ads_AdSense_MAPI::log( 'Fetched AdSense Report from ' . $url ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return [ 'status' => false, // translators: AdSense ID. 'msg' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Error while retrieving report for "%s".', 'advanced-ads' ), $this->publisher_id ), 'raw' => $response->get_error_message(), ]; } $response_body = json_decode( $response['body'], true ); if ( ! isset( $response_body['startDate'] ) ) { return [ 'status' => false, // translators: AdSense ID. 'msg' => sprintf( esc_html__( 'Invalid response while retrieving report for "%s".', 'advanced-ads' ), $this->publisher_id ), 'raw' => $response['body'], ]; } $response_body['api_version'] = self::API_VERSION; $response_body['timestamp'] = time(); return [ 'status' => true, 'response_body' => $response_body, ]; } }